Past Events:
Holly Iben Chili Cook Off: March 2, 2024
The Knights would like to thank anyone who has supported their events in any way. Thank You & Vivat Jesus!
Current Officers 2023-2024:
Grand Knight-Ryan Sperfslage
Financial Secretary-Dean Oswald
Deputy Grand Knight-AJ Wink
Treasurer-Jeff Monck
Warden-Bob Eilers
1st Trustee-Tony Butterworth
2nd Trustee-Ron Buscher
3rd Trustee-Thomas Beadle
There are Four Degrees of Membership is the Knights of Columbus
The First Degree is Charity
The Second Degree is Unity
The Third Degree is Fraternity
The Forth Degree is Patriotism
Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to males 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics. If you are interested in joining please contact Ryan Sperfslage Grand Knight (319-480-3839) or any member, and become aware of what we do.
Council 1821 of the Knights of Columbus (Sacred Heart, Monticello, IA) celebrated it’s 100th Anniversary of the Council’s Charter on December 12, 2016 with a Mass, followed by a reception in Newman Hall. Paul Lee was the featured speaker at the reception which was attended by many of the members of the council, including, Bob Devaney, who at the time was the oldest living member of the council. The celebration was a fitting acknowledgement of the First 100 Years of the Council. That date started the beginning of what we hope will be the Second 100 Years.
- Spelling Bee Participants
- Rebecca Digmann Breakfast
- 2018 Winners